Wednesday’s Worship – Glorious Day

I love a lot of old Passion Worship songs, so I thought I’d listen to a few of the more recent albums and this song…guys, it had me jumping around the kitchen and yelling “thank You Jesus!”

Check out these lyrics guys! It talks about carrying the weight of sin and shame until Christ called us out of darkness, like the way He called Lazarus from the grave. We serve a God who brings dead people to life, people! If that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will.

I was buried beneath my shame/Who could carry that kind of weight?/It was my tomb ’til I met You/I was breathing but not alive/All my failures I tried to hide/It was my tomb ’til I met You/You called my name and I ran out of that grave

Chorus: Out of the darkness/Into Your glorious day/You called my name and I ran out of that grave/Out of the darkness/Into Your glorious day

Now Your mercy has saved my soul/Now Your freedom is all I know/The old made new, Jesus, when I met You/You called my name and I ran out of that grave

Bridge: I needed rescue, my sin was heavy/But chains break at the weight of Your glory/I needed shelter, I was an orphan/Now You call me a citizen of heaven/When I was broken, You were my healing/Now Your love is the air that I’m breathing/I have a future, my eyes are open/’Cause when You called my name/I ran out of that grave

Wednesday’s Worship – Better Word

Today’s song was a difficult choice, because there were a few different songs that I could have shared. But Sunday, an old song popped into my head, “Nothing But the Blood” by Matt Redman. The verse that stuck out was, “Your blood speaks a better word…” and I began to think about different aspects of the Word.

In Genesis, God spoke a word and the world, and everything within was formed. John 1:1-3 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” Then John 1:14 described Jesus as the Word made flesh. In John 19, Jesus said that “it is finished” and then in Revelation 12 we read that Satan, the accuser, is conquered by the blood of the lamb and the word of the testimony of the believers.

And so, the song we’re looking at today is “Better Word” by Elevation Worship. Beside the chorus singing, “Nothing but the blood/A better word was spoken” the bridge goes on to state “I left my shame where the nails were,” and I can’t help but get excited about this song, and the fact that it reminds us of what Christ did for us on the cross. There aren’t a lot of current songs that talk about our sin and need for Christ–it’s actually something that I personally feel has prevented revival in this generation; a lack of brokenness and repentance, but that’s a conversation for another date.

Check out the lyrics below and listen for yourself to this simple, but beautiful song describing an individual who finally realizes there’s nothing we can do to save ourselves. It’s only by the blood shed on the cross that we’re saved, and it’s to that, we cling.

What can wash away the guilty stain
After all the wrong I’ve done?
I’ve already tried a thousand ways
But it’s never been enough
What could be enough?

Chorus: Nothing but the blood
A better word was spoken
Oh, I know it was
Nothing but the blood
Every curse was broken
Oh, I know it was
Nothing but the blood
Nothing but the blood

And when I’m reminded of my shame
To the fountain I will run
Every failure covered now in grace
For the Lamb has overcome
What can overcome?

Bridge: On that cross, hallelujah
I left my shame where the nails were
Jesus Christ, O Lamb of God
Be lifted higher forever
On that cross, hallelujah
I left my shame where the nails were
Jesus Christ, O Lamb of God
Be lifted higher forever